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HPU hosts another fun-filled Stinger Spectacular weekend

BROWNWOOD – October 23, 2023年——ebet真人娱乐厅最近迎来了大批校友和其他客人来到校园参加斯廷格壮观活动. The annual event, comprised of 同学会, Yellow Jacket 上一页iew and Family Weekend, hosted former students, prospective students, families of current students, 社区的成员和更多的愉快的周末团聚, campus tours and other festivities.

“毒刺奇观已经成为我们校园的一个精彩传统。. Kalie Lowrie, 06级,校友关系助理副校长. “我们很高兴迎接这么多校友和朋友,享受美好的天气, 有趣的活动和一个充满庆祝所有使我们的大学如此特别的品质的周末. 我们特别感谢我们的赞助商和我们的志愿者,他们帮助毒刺壮观取得了成功.”

周五晚上的校园补鞋匠活动招待了400多人, featuring a performance by HPU students Payton Chumbley, Madi Boggs and Zane Smith. The 校友 Banquet, at which 同学会 honorees were recognized, 门票已售罄,超过250人参加了学生及家庭晚宴.

A crowd of more than 1,000人在校园参加其他周末活动,包括游行, the solar eclipse and the HPU Family Picnic. A standing-room only audience enjoyed the 校友 Choir Concert, 由传统歌手团聚合唱团演出,并为新H池举行了特别奉献活动, located by the Newbury Family Welcome Center.

也, a special skydiving demonstration by Skydive Skylark, out of Killeen, 在返校节足球比赛前,他在戈登伍德体育场让球迷们惊叹不已. One of the divers delivered the game ball to Rev. L.J. 克莱顿78届,服役勋章获得者,体育名人堂成员. 也, Distinguished Alumnus Dale Fisher ’61 and his wife, 维姬, helped with the coin toss to start the game. The Yellow Jacket football team beat Austin College 35-11.

香港大学校友会为游行花车优胜者提供奖金, which were announced during the game. The winners were Pi Theta Chi (First Place), Chi Alpha Omega(第二名)及Delta Chi Rho(第三名).

The 2023 同学会 Court was announced during halftime. 名字d 同学会 King and Queen were Mitsue Rodriguez, a kinesiology major from San Antonio, and Ethan Cortez, a biomedical sciences and Honors Academy major from Bangs. 杰克·沙克尔福德获得了返校王子和公主的称号, a finance major from Midlothian, and Rachel Baergen, a middle school English education major from Rockport.

Other 同学会 Court nominees were Daniel Archer, Youth Ministry and Civic Leadership and Public Policy major from Houston; Trevor Bowers, biomedical sciences and allied health sciences major from Bangs; Madison Cason, business marketing/man年龄ment major from Telephone; Heath Cook, Christian education major from Richmond; Megan Froese, English education major from Rising Star; Grant Garnett, nursing major from Goliad; Mariah Gayton, allied health sciences major from Houston; and Kiara Green, allied health sciences major from Amarillo.

也 honored at halftime were HPU’s 2023 校友 honorees: Dale Fisher ’61, Distinguished Alumnus; Dr. Micaela (Espiricueta) Camacho ’59, Coming 首页 Queen; Natalia Lopez ’06, Outstanding Young Graduate; Dr. Robert and Cheryl (Everett) Mangrum ’91, Grand Marshals; Rev. L.J. Jr. ’78 and Lori (Hassel) Clayton ’76, Medal of Service; Rev. Rubén Hernández ’76, Dr. José Rivas Distinguished Service Award; and Rev. 道格·霍茨克劳,1968年,新夹克校友在事工(JAM)忠心仆人奖.

HPU感谢以下企业和组织对毒刺壮观的支持. The title sponsor is Citizens National Bank. Gold sponsors are Bruner Auto Family; Chick-fil-A of Brownwood; City of Brownwood; Early Texas 游客 and Events Center; HPU 校友 Association; Underwood’s Bar-B-Q; Wendlee Broadcasting; and Willie’s T’s. Navy sponsors are Double H Mercantile; Dr Pepper Bottlers, Brownwood, Inc.; Painter & Johnson Financial; and United Supermarkets. White sponsors are Lone Star Optical, MCBank Early; Robnett Integra Insurance; and Smith & Sharpe Insurance Agency. The Partner sponsor is Common 理由 Coffeehouse.

也 taking place during Stinger Spectacular, was Family Weekend, 让HPU在读学生的家庭成员在周末体验HPU. Dr. Nathan Penland, vice president for student experience, shared about the impact of the weekend’s events.

他说:“今年的Stinger Spectacular庆祝活动很特别。. “美好的天气加上精彩的活动为学生们提供了一个难忘的周末, 校友, families and friends. I am thankful for all who helped to make the weekend a success!”

As a part of Yellow Jacket 上一页iew, ebet真人娱乐厅能够参加许多斯廷格壮观的活动. Dr. Ben Martin ’04, associate vice president for enrollment man年龄ment, 他说,庆祝活动是来访学生了解HPU的完美方式.

他说:“毒刺奇观一直是一个伟大的事件,它概括了ebet真人娱乐厅. “Prospective students can see the quality of academics, 未来的职业机会和持续一生的社区联系. Stinger壮观2023对于所有参加的潜在学生来说都是一个巨大的成功, 这让他们在一个美好的周末参观了ebet真人娱乐厅.”

For more information about HPU, please visit members.mediagate-egy.net.


标题1: HPU的2023届校友获奖者是(左起)61届的Dale Fisher博士. Micaela (Espiricueta) Camacho ’59, Rev. Doug Holtzclaw ’68, Dr. Robert and Cheryl (Everett) Mangrum ’91, Rev. L.J. Jr. ’78 and Lori (Hassel) Clayton ’76, Natalia Lopez ’06 and Rev. Rubén Hernández ’76.

标题2: 伊桑·科尔特斯和米苏·罗德里格斯分别当选为返校节国王和王后.

标题# 3: 在返校节足球赛之前,Skydive Skylark进行了一次特殊的跳伞表演.

标题# 4: 壮观的嘉宾们在HPU校园欣赏日食.
