HPU Camp Waiver Form


Please Choose a Valid Camp Name

PLEASE READ THIS DOCUMENT CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING. 这是父母/监护人(i)与ebet真人娱乐厅(hpu)之间具有法律约束力的文件。. 此表格必须由家长或法定监护人提交,方可参加上述训练营.

I, the undersigned, 我希望我的孩子(以下简称“孩子”)在上述日期和地点参加上述营地(以下简称“营地”), in consideration for my Child’s participation, I hereby agree as follows:

I acknowledge, 我理解并认识到,作为我孩子参加夏令营的一部分,存在着危险, hazards and inherent risks to which my Child may be exposed, including the risk of serious physical injury, temporary or permanent disability, and death, as well as economic and property loss. 我进一步认识到参加夏令营可能会有风险和危险, both known and unknown, and have elected to allow my Child to take part in the Camp.

I, on behalf of my Child, 在此,我明白并承认,如果我不披露相关信息,可能会对我的孩子和/或其他人造成伤害. By signing my name, I represent and warrant that my child's mental, 身体或医疗状况使他/她能够在没有任何特别住宿的情况下参加营地.

I, on behalf of my Child, 理解HPU建议我们在允许我们的孩子参加这个营地之前咨询医生,如果我不确定是否有任何先前的健康状况, 我有责任在孩子参加本夏令营之前咨询孩子的医生.

I, on behalf of my Child, 及游泳活动必须包括在本营的核准活动范围内, 了解我的孩子在往返游泳池和游泳时受伤或死亡的风险, uses slides, diving boards and other related items related to this activity.

I, on behalf of my Child, hereby release HPU, its Board of Trustees, Administration, Faculty, Staff, Student Leaders, Camp Staff, and all other officers, directors, 对于我的孩子在培训期间可能遭受的任何伤害或损失,我的继承人或代表可能产生的任何诉讼权利,我的雇员和代理人不承担任何责任, preparing, participating and/or traveling to or from the Camp. This agreement is binding on my heirs and assigns.

I, on behalf of my Child, furthermore release, 赔偿并保持HPU免受任何和所有责任, actions, debts, claims and demands of every kind whatsoever, specifically including, but not limited to, 任何关于疏忽或疏忽行为或不作为的索赔,以及任何现在或将来的索赔, 我的孩子可能遭受人身或财产伤害的损失或责任, for which my Child may be liable to any other person, that may or does arise out of my Child’s participation in the Camp. 我明白HPU对我孩子的个人财产不承担任何责任.

I, on behalf of my Child, 此外,承认HPU不提供现场医疗护理或提供和管理任何处方药或非处方药,以及在发生事故或严重疾病的情况下, 我在此授权HPU的代表代表我为我的孩子获得紧急医疗救治. I hereby hold harmless and agree to indemnify HPU from any claims, causes of action, damages and/or liabilities, arising out of or resulting from said medical treatment. I further agree to accept full responsibility for all expenses, 包括我的孩子在参加夏令营期间因受伤而产生的医疗费用.

By checking the appropriate box below I, 代表我的孩子同意或不同意允许HPU在HPU的网站或HPU的出版物上使用我孩子的电子图像,我同意赔偿并使HPU免受伤害, its Board of Trustees, Administration, Faculty, Staff, Student Leaders, Camp Staff, and all other officers, directors, 因HPU使用我孩子的形象,我的继承人和受让人不承担任何诉讼权利的责任.

本免责条款受德克萨斯州法律管辖并按其解释. 我同意任何与本免责条款有关的法律行动或程序, or arising out of any injury, death, 因我的孩子参加夏令营的任何部分而造成的损害或损失, shall be brought only in Brown County, Texas.

本免责声明包含本协议各方之间的完整协议,且本免责声明的条款具有契约性,而不仅仅是陈述. 我所提供的信息是准确和真实的. 我有充分的机会阅读这份文件,我理解并同意其所有条款和条件. 我明白我正在放弃实质性权利(包括我的起诉权利), 并承认我是自愿签署本文件的, 在法律允许的最大范围内,我将签署一份完全无条件的免责声明. 我在这份文件上的签名不仅对我和我的孩子有约束力,而且对继承者也有约束力, heirs, representatives,
administrators, and assigns of my Child and myself.

Note: By typing your full name below, you certify that you have read and agree to the above information.